Shark Dive
The Finest In Caribbean Scuba Diving & Adventure
During your visit here we can set up one of Roatan’s most exciting dives for you, The Roatan Shark Dive.
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the operators of the one and only shark dive on Roatan; Waihuka Adventure Divers, to offer our guests the opportunity to dive with the rare and elusive Caribbean Reef Shark.
This dive is operated outside of West End in the town of Coxen Hole. West End Divers will make reservations, provide dive gear, and arrange transportation to the Waihuka Facility.
Once you arrive and get the usual paperwork outta the way, you will be given an extensive dive briefing. Then it is time to get your gear in the boat for a 10 minute boat ride. The boat ties up to a mooring located on an undersea plateau that is about 75 feet deep.
Descending on the mooring line, you are directed to a small sand patch just in front of a low coral wall. Some sharks are already there anticipating the fish carried in a closed bucket by the handler.
These sharks of the Requiem species, are beautiful animals that can reach 10 feet in length, but they are rarely seen on the reef by divers. Although an apex predator they are normally shy, and can easily avoid scuba enthusiasts.
As the dive progresses more sharks arrive swimming around in front of, and even over you just a few feet away! The low coral behind you is conveniently placed to keep the “show” out front. As the sharks seem to speed up and get a bit impatient, the handler opens the bucket, and you will understand the term; “Feeding Frenzy”.
When the food is gone, those sharks with dine and dash tendencies leave, but a few remain, and the handler may invite you to swim with them and check out the surrounding plateau for a short time.
Roatan Shark Dive! Dive with the elusive and rarely seen Caribbean Reef Shark.
PADI Open Water Diving certification, or equivalent is required.
Dive depth is 75 feet, and dive time is about 30 minutes. Please be aware that this is an open ocean dive, subject to currents and rough surface conditions.
Unfortunately due to time restraints and logistics we are unable to offer this dive to our Cruise Ship guests.